3 Prominent Indicators Of Elder Abuse

Elder Neglect is a type of Elder Abuse, which occurs when caretakers fail to be responsible for the elderly seniors they care for. They can most often occur in institutional settings, such as skilled nursing facilities or residential care facilities for the elderly. While this may not seem harmful at first glance, it can actually lead be incredibly damaging to the people who are neglected. The following are some indicators of Elder Abuse that you need to know.


Nursing home pressure sores occur when there is long-term unrelieved pressure on a local skin area. Most often, this results from lying in one position for too long without being repositioned. This pressure can lead to skin loss on the area that is unrelieved from pressure, which can lead to serious injuries and infections. Some pressure sores, if serious enough, even reveal the underlying bone. Pressure sores can occur from elder neglect when caretakers leave a patient in a bed without timely re-positioning of him/her. This neglect allows the prolonged pressure to persist on the local skin area of the patient, which can lead to deadly pressure sores.

When a nursing home or care facility fails to meet its obligations to provide proper care, pressure sores are a consequence. Moran Law is experienced at successfully holding improper care providers accountable. We are fully committed to helping you or your loved one, and our team of elder abuse lawyers will do whatever is necessary to help you recover maximum compensation.


Dehydration is frequently related to elder neglect in terms of a lack of appropriate amounts of fluid intake for seniors. When nursing home residents are not nourished with the necessary water and fluids, complications may occur. These complications include weight loss, decreased urine output, urinary tract infections, and other serious illnesses that may eventually lead to death.


Falls and fractures occur when nursing staff are negligent in the care of patients who may be at risk for falls. Falls can lead to bone fractures, and many times handicap the people who sustain these fractures. They become handicapped significantly in terms of their mobility, suffer severe pain as a result of the fracture, and have a diminished quality of life. Most times, falls can be prevented when nursing staff follows proper safety measures for high-risk patients, such as implementing bed alarms, and side rails, and also ensuring that such interventions are actively executed. There are many cases in which before a fracture, a patient has an active quality of life, but then after a fall and fracture, he or she suddenly becomes handicapped and loses a lot of independence.

If your loved one experiences a fall while residing in a nursing home, do not hesitate to get in touch with Moran Law promptly. Our team of highly skilled Elder Law attorneys is dedicated to providing the qualified assistance you require. We will tirelessly work to ensure that the responsible party is held accountable for their actions, and we are determined to help you find complete legal satisfaction in this challenging time.


There is more than meets the eye for elder neglect. Pressure sores, dehydration, falls, and fractures are just a couple of examples of elder neglect. Some other forms of elder neglect are patients wandering without supervision, patients abusing each other due to lack of supervision, and lack of proper hygiene for the patients.

Moran Law is a distinguished law firm in California, renowned for its extensive expertise and successful track record in handling cases related to elder abuse and neglect. Our firm was honored with the prestigious 2014 Litigator Awards™ in the Nursing Home Abuse category, a testament to our commitment to achieving justice for elderly individuals.